CPython ABI Bindings

Pointers.py provides bindings out of the box for most of the CPython ABI.

The ABI follows the naming convention of Py<namespace>_<method>, so you may use one by importing the namespace from pointers.py:

# example for PyEval_* methods
from pointers import PyEval


However, the method names are in PascalCase, and according to PEP 8, Python functions should be named in snake_case.

Since pointers.py is PEP 8 compliant, method names have been converted to snake case.

Here's an example with PyEval_GetFrame:

from pointers import PyEval

frame = PyEval.get_frame()  # calls PyEval_GetFrame

Casting Pointers

Some functions don't just return PyObject, and instead return something that can be casted instead (in this case, PyFrameObject):

Any binding that doesn't return a PyObject* is simply converted to a StructPointer:

from pointers import PyEval

frame = PyEval.get_frame()
# frame is not a frame object, instead its StructPointer[FrameObject]

You may cast this pointer to the correct Python object by calling struct_cast:

from pointers import PyEval, struct_cast

frame = struct_cast(PyEval.get_frame())
# frame is now a valid frame object!


I did say above that there is support for most of the ABI, so what isn't available right now?

  • Any function using a format string
  • Any function defined in the header file without parameter names
  • Anything using a macro (such as _Py_NO_RETURN) in its signature

However, there are a few other functions that are unsupported due to arbitrary reasons.

These will all be supported in the future.